Daepyung pursues the balance of people, nature, and technology.
Steviol glycosides, enzyme-treated stevia,
licorice extract,natural preservatives,
and other food additives
Drinks, alcoholic beverages, pastes, pickles,
seasonings, cookies and other foods,
natural preservatives,sugar-substitutes,
natural sweeteners, etc.
Glycyrrhizic acid salts, extracts of Perillae semen,
and ingredients for functional cosmetics
(anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic,
and whitening products)
Lotion, skin products,
massage cream,hair-dye, etc.
Soft extracts (Artemisia herb,
Corydalis tuber, and Pharbitis semen),
liquid extracts (ivy leaves and Pelargonium),
dry extracts (grape leaf and Pelargonium),
and various drug substances
Alcoholic gastritis, gastric ulcers,
cold, constipation treatment,
varicose vein relaxation,
nourishment, energy restorative, etc.